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#101 : Mode d'emploi

Dans le monde superficiel de la mode, l'apparence fait tout. Et si les styles changent constamment, la seule constante valable dans ce milieu, c'est de toujours être à la mode et de porter ce qu'il faut, au bon moment.  Que se passe-t-il alors lorsqu'une fille ordinaire a la possibilité d'entrer dans ce milieu peu commun ? La nouvelle vie de Betty Suarez peut commencer...


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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Jeudi 28.09.2006 à 00:00

Plus de détails

Scénario: Silvio Horta
Réalisation: Richard Shepard

Acteurs Secondaires :

  • William Abadie (Philippe Michel),
  • Kevin Sussman (Walter),
  • Gina Gershon (Fabia),
  • Agigail Foreman (Charmaine)
  • Ava Gaudet (Gina Gambarro),
  • Elisabeth Penn Payne (La femme masquée)

Siège des Editions Meade, New York : 

Betty Suarez se présente aux éditions Meade pour un entretien d’embauche afin de travailler au sein de l’une de leurs nombreuses publications. Assise à côté d’un mannequin, elle tente d’engager la conversation en la félicitant sur sa tenue, qu’elle prend pour être un poncho (c’est en fait une sublime capeline en fourrure). Elle lui dit qu’elle en a aussi un que son père lui avait ramené de Guadalajara ! Le mannequin ne prêtant pas attention à elle, lui répond juste par ces 3 mots : « Milan, Dolce&Gabbana, Collection de l’automne ».


L’assistant du DRH, voyant arriver Betty, vêtue d’un tailleur rose à rayures vertes et portant un appareil dentaire lui claque la porte au nez lui précisant qu’aucuns postes ne lui correspondraient.

Betty s’en va dépiter ne sachant pas que toute la scène a été observée depuis l’étage supérieur par le grand PDG, Bradford Meade.

Chez les Suarez, dans la soirée : 

Nous découvrons alors la famille de Betty, sa sœur Hilda, son père, Ignacio et Justin, son neveu. Ce dernier veut regarder Fashion TV à la place de la telenovela favorite de son grand-père.

Son père lui demande comment s’est passé son premier entretien embauche ? Betty gênée lui répond qu’elle a fait bonne impression, mais Hilda comprend rapidement et lui dit qu’elle n’a pas été retenue. C’est ainsi qu’elle la relance sur son choix de carrière, lui proposant de faire comme elle, faire du porte à porte pour vendre les produits de la marque Herbalux. Ignacio s’y oppose et déclare que si Betty rêve de cette carrière, alors on doit respecter son choix. Ils en viennent à parler du petit ami de Betty, Walter qui devrait, selon Justin, bientôt la demander en mariage puisqu’il aurait déclaré : « C’est celle qu’il me faut ». La conversation est interrompue puisque quelqu’un frappe à la porte et tous pense que c’est Walter, venu faire sa demande.


En effet, c’est Walter qui ramène le PC de Betty qu’il vient de réparer. Ce dernier lui demande s’ils peuvent parler, seuls et dehors.

Justine en attendant change de chaîne et met Fashion TV où le présentateur annonce que l’enterrement de la rédactrice en chef de MODE magazine, la grande Fey Sommers eût lieu aujourd’hui et a réuni tout le gotha. Suite à cette disparition, Bradford Meade, de Meade Edition a décidé de la remplacer par son inexpérimenté de fils et coureur de jupons, Daniel Meade au détriment de la directrice artistique Wilhelmina Slater.

Siège de MODE, au même moment : 

Daniel est assit à son nouveau bureau, les yeux fermés quand soudain la porte s’ouvre. Son père entre et lui demande si son bureau lui plait ?

Son fils lui demandant de l’excuser 2 minutes, il terminer quelques chose. Bradford se retourne et aperçoit dans les fleurs, une petite culotte. Pris au piège, Daniel dit à la jeune femme située sous son bureau (celle au poncho D&G) de sortir puisqu’il est découvert maintenant, et il l’a lui présente comme sa nouvelle assistante.

Bradford lui explique que l’on ne dirige pas le plus grand magazine de mode de cette façon.

Retour chez les Suarez : 

Betty apprend que Walter est en fait venu pour rompre avec elle puisqu’il est amoureux de sa voisine, Gina Gambarro. Il lui dit bonne chance et s’en va.

Dépitée, celle-ci se jette sur les restes de gâteaux quand le téléphone sonne. Justin répond et l’appel provient de Meade Editions.

Betty prend le téléphone et apprend qu’elle a obtenue un poste et qu’elle peut commencer dés demain. Elle va travailler pour MODE comme assistante du nouveau rédacteur en chef ce qui enthousiasme Justin qui possède tous les numéros et le considère comme sa Bible. Il lui conseille de soigner son look avant.

Le lendemain, chez MODE : 

Ouverture de l’ascenseur et arrivée de Betty vêtue d’un poncho multicolore portant l’inscription Guadalajara !

La réceptionniste (Amanda) pense faire un cauchemar et ne pouvant imaginer que Betty puisse venir travailler ici, lui demande si elle est venue pour la rubrique « Avant/Après » où si elle vient livrer un colis. Betty lui répond juste qu’elle est la nouvelle assistante du rédacteur en chef.

Amanda, adoptant une démarche de mannequin sur un podium, la conduit vers son nouveau lieu de travail, son bureau, situé en face de celui de Daniel. Une conférence est en train d’avoir lieu où Daniel se présente au personnel et présente ses suggestions pour la ligne éditoriale.

 Salle de Conférence qui est une immense pièce faite de panneau de verre : 

Daniel parle à tous ses collaborateurs quand en arrière-plan, on voit Betty rentrer dans la porte vitrée ! Tout le monde se retourne et l’on voit Betty se relever et entrer dans la salle. Elle traverse la salle sous les yeux ahuris et les moqueries de tout le monde. Daniel continue son petit discours quand Wilhelmina Slater, tout de blanc vêtu entre dans la salle, suivie de son assistant, Marc. Elle semble surprise que la conférence est commencée sans elle, et demande à Marc de donner son cadeau pour Daniel.
Daniel continuant toujours son discours, Wilhelmina lui demande de l’ouvrir : c’est une rose en cristal pour commémorer son arrivée mais l’inscription porte le nom de Danny et non Daniel.

Elle continue la conférence en abordant le sujet du supplément qui sera consacré à Fabia-Cosmetics. Daniel semble surpris et ne connaît pas Fabia-Cosmetics. Wilhelmina lui explique que c’est le plus gros acheteurs d’espaces publicitaires pour les Editions Meade et vu les récents évènements, Fabia devra approuvée tout ce que MODE lui propose avant d’être publié. Elle lui dit que tous vont le soutenir et se mettre au travail pour que son premier numéro de rédacteur en chef soit "sensationnel". Wilhelmina et Marc quittent la salle, au passage ce dernier complimente le poncho de Betty avant de mettre un doigt dans sa bouche une fois retourné.

Betty s’approche de Daniel pour se présenter comme sa nouvelle assistante et savoir ce qu’il souhaite qu’elle fasse pour lui. Il commence à penser que le sort s’acharne sur lui.

Bureau de Wilhelmina : 

Allongée sur un canapé, Marc est en train de lui faire des injections de Botox dans le front. Elle se plaint d’avoir consacrée 20 ans de sa vie à ce magazine et d’avoir fait ce qu’il est devenu aujourd’hui et ne comprend pas pourquoi ce n’est pas elle qui se trouve dans le fauteuil de rédacteur en chef.

Son téléphone portable sonne et elle demande à être seule. Elle parle alors à une mystérieuse femme dont elle demande des nouvelles et de ce qui se passe à MODE.

Betty à son bureau, situé en face de celui de Daniel, uniquement séparé par une vitre en verre : 

Assise devant son ordinateur, elle regarde le site Internet de Fabia-Cosmetics et étudie la gamme des produits pour Daniel. Amanda apporte un papier à Betty et lui demande avec qui Daniel est en train de parler. C’est Philippe Michel, le photographe qui réalise le supplément. Betty apprend que Philippe et Daniel n’ont pas toujours été de bons amis puisque Daniel serait sorti avec la petite amie de ce dernier il y a 1 ou 2 ans de cela. Amanda lui dit qu’elle est sortie avec lui pendant 1 semaine et que son surnom dans le métier est le "trépied" et pas à cause du fait qu’il soit photographe.

Bureau de Daniel : 

Philippe Michel (avec un accent français prononcé dans la VO) regarde un book et ne trouve rien à son goût. Daniel se confie à lui et lui avoue qu’il pense ne pas être bien intégré dans la rédaction, surtout par Wilhelmina. Il lui répond que ce n’est pas un secret, cette dernière voulait sa place. Daniel pense qu’elle le pousse à commettre des erreurs et à donc besoin des idées du photographe pour réussir.

Betty frappe à la porte pour demander ce que Daniel souhaite pour son déjeuner, mais il lui répond qu’il ne veut rien. Elle se lance alors en complimentant le travail de Philippe Michel pour son reportage dans Travel mais une nouvelle fois elle tombe à côté quand elle compare son travail avec celui d’un autre grand photographe.

Philippe est surpris par le choix de Betty en tant qu’assistante, elle ne correspond pas aux goûts habituels de Daniel. Il lui propose alors pour s’en débarrasser de lui rendre la vie impossible pour qu’elle démissionne sans qu'il n'est besoin de la renvoyer.

A la Cafétéria :

Betty arrive avec son déjeuner mais semble totalement mise à l’écart dans cet endroit aseptisé où tout le monde semble se contenter d’une salade verte sans sauce et d’une bouteille d’eau plate.
Elle va s’asseoir au bout du comptoir quand Christina s’approche d’elle en lui demandant si elle est Betty, la nouvelle assistante de Daniel Meade. Betty semble surprise mais Christina lui avoue que tout le monde sait tout par ici et se présente. Elle travaille dans le "Closet" (le placard), là où tous les vêtements sont entreposés. C’est la couturière du servie, elle range, classe et doit parfois rectifier les vêtements sur les mannequins car tout est en taille 0. Elle aime son travail car elle est loin de toutes les pestes de MODE. Christina appelle deux autres filles à se joindrent à elle, Zelda et Nancy.

Voyant la scène, Marc compare cette scène à une version Bidochon de la série Sex and the city.  

En bas de l’immeuble Meade Publication :

Bradford Meade est en train de nourrir des pigeons quand un homme vient s’asseoir à côté de lui. Ce dernier lui assure "qu’elle" est partie, il était à ses obsèques au 1er rang. Bradford lui demande de revérifier une nouvelle fois car Fey Sommers en sait beaucoup sur lui et la société.

Bureau de Daniel : 

Daniel appelle Betty pour lui signaler un problème avec son repas : il aime le coleslaw (salade de chou cru) mais il déteste le chou. Betty lui dit que le coleslaw c’est du chou mais Daniel lui répond qu’il sait mais ce qu’il adore c’est la sauce et tout le reste.

Séries d’images avec Betty : 

- Betty enlève le chou du coleslaw avec une pince à épiler.

- 3h22 du matin, son téléphone sonne, c’est Daniel.

- Dans la rue, Betty apporte 2 tasses de café à Daniel et Philippe. Daniel lui donne son chien, un énorme molosse pour qu’elle lui fasse faire sa promenade.

- Betty courant après le chien dans les rues de NYC.

- Daniel marche avec une chaussure, l’autre est dans les mains de Betty où elle essaie de décoller un chewing-gum.

- Betty assise sur un trottoir en bas d’un immeuble le soir. Son téléphone sonne, c’est sa sœur qui lui dit qu’elle est en retard pour l’anniversaire de leur père ce que Betty avait complètement oubliée. Elle lui promet de rentrer vite à la maison. Un taxi s’arrête devant l’immeuble d’en face, Betty appelle Daniel pour le prévenir que son second rendez-vous est arrivé en utilisant un nom de code : " La dinde rouge est arrivée".

Loft de Daniel : 

Daniel est sur son lit, il raccroche avec Betty et s’excuse mais il a du travail à terminer et elle doit partir. C’est alors que l’on découvre que c’est Amanda. Elle lui demande quand le poste de Betty sera disponible, Daniel lui répond très bientôt. Quand Amanda est partit, Daniel reprend Betty au téléphone et lui demande de rester encore un peu pour être sûr. "La dinde rouge" arrive chez Daniel et retire son manteau, elle est en sous-vêtements.

Chez Betty : 

La fête d’anniversaire est terminée, sa sœur lui reproche de délaisser la famille ces derniers temps. Betty s’excuse mais elle devait travailler, Hilda espère que ça en valait la peine et elle lui a gardé une part du gâteau.

Betty, dépitée, se laisse tomber sur son canapé quand une photo d’elle avec sa mère (qui est décédée) retient son attention. Elle prend alors un carnet et écris dessus "Idées pour le travail".

Chez MODE, le lendemain :

Daniel est au téléphone et marche vers la sortie pour se rendre à la séance photo. Betty tente tant bien que mal de le suivre car elle porte son attaché-case et ses papiers.

Dans l’ascenseur, Betty tente de lui parler pour lui soumettre ses idées mais il l'ignore et sort de l’ascenseur, puis sort du building où sa limousine l’attend. Betty continue et lui demande de regarder s’il a une minute, mais il n’a pas une minute. Il manque de plus un ensemble pour la séance photo, il lui demande d’aller le chercher dans "le placard" et de le lui ramener.

  "Le Placard’’ : 

Betty entre dans une immense pièce remplie de vêtements entreposés et sous housse transparente. Christina vient la rejoindre et lui parle d’un modèle exposé à 7000$ qui ressemble à un sac à patates mais c’est la mode et elle adore ça. Christina lui demande comment ça se passe, Betty ne répond pas, Christina lui dit que c’est brutal non ? Betty commence à se confier et lui avoue que tout ce qu’elle fait ce n’est jamais assez bien, que Daniel la traite comme une moins que rien, ce matin elle voulait juste lui soumettre une idée mais il l’a engueulé à la place.

Christina lui avoue que Nancy était aux Ressources Humaines et elle a entendu des rumeurs comme quoi ce serait Bradford Meade qui l’aurait engagé pour éviter que Daniel ne couche avec son assistante. Betty semble être triste mais comprend alors beaucoup de choses et se dit contente d’être là où elle est tout de même, elle se lève et s’en va, oubliant le dossier avec ses idées.

Séance photo : 

Le thème : un accident de voiture, avec des mannequins très maquillées, portant des perruques de couleurs et habillées très flashy, très courts et sexy.

Philippe annonce à Daniel qu’il lui manque un mannequin. Daniel lui dit d’en prendre une autre mais Philippe répond qu’il lui en faut une typée, quelqu’un comme…Betty qui entre à ce moment là. Daniel trouve ça très drôle mais Philippe lui parie qu’elle n’ira pas jusque là et qu’elle va démissionner avant.

Daniel vient voir Betty et fait semblant d’être gentil avec elle, il lui dit qu’il y a un petit problème, il leur manque un mannequin, qu’ils n’ont plus le temps et donc c’est elle qui va la remplacer. Betty semble ne pas trop comprendre mais si c’est ce qu’il veut. Elle s’en va, Daniel pense qu’il a réussi.


La séance démarre, Daniel annonce à Philippe que ça a marché mais tout d’un coup tout le monde semble regarder vers un seul endroit, celui où Betty entre dans la pièce revêtu du costume. (Je vous mets la photo, on ne peut pas le décrire)


Philippe la place entre deux mannequins et la séance continue, il lui demande d’être sexy, de jouer avec l’objectif, on entend des rires dans la salle. Daniel semble très mal à l’aise par ce qui arrive et demande à Philippe d’arrêter ça tout de suite voyant que ce n’est que de la méchanceté gratuite. Betty à les larmes aux yeux, elle craque et annonce à Daniel qu’il a gagné, elle démissionne.

Chez Betty :

Elle est assise sur son perron quand son neveu lui apporte une tasse de camomille. Il lui dit que Hilda savait que allait se passer comme ça, car vouloir créer son magazine, "ce n’est pas pour des gens comme nous" sauf si on s’appelle J.LO, mais Justin lui dit qu’il croit en elle. Dans la maison d’à côté, on entend des bruits de plaisir. Pensant que c’est Walter et Gina, Betty se lève pour leur dire ses quatre vérités.

Salon de Gina Gambarro : 

Betty ouvre la porte et voit Gina et un garçon en train de s’embrasser sur le canapé. Elle leur dit que ce n’est pas sympa car elle vit à deux maisons de là. Mais Gina n’est pas avec Walter mais avec un autre garçon. Gina lui dit qu’avec Walter s’est terminé, que lui voulait s’engager et pas elle, il lui a dit d’accord et lui a fait une réduction de 30% sur son écran plasma. Betty comprend qu’elle s’est servit de lui uniquement pour avoir 30% sur sa TV et claque la porte de rage, faisant ainsi tomber le nouveau plasma qui était fixé au mur.

Salle de conférence de MODE : 

Fabia (sorte de Barbie italienne liftée possédant un chihuahua) est présente pour la présentation de sa campagne appelée Collision. Des photos d’accident de voiture défilent avec des mannequins prenant la pose de personnes accidentées et blessées avec des slogans comme Chaos ou Catastrophe. Fabia demande si c’est une blague, elle est furieuse, les insultant de Stupido et jetant des M&M’s à la figure de Daniel. Elle se lève et quitte la salle.

Daniel ne comprend pas cette réaction, Marc lui explique que Fabia a eu un accident il y a un mois avec son 4X4 où elle a écrasé 12 personnes en reculant. Philippe lui dit qu’il ne le savait pas, il était à St Tropez. Daniel demande pourquoi personne ne lui a rien dit, Wilhelmina intervient en lui disant qu’elle n’a pas été intégrée au projet et qu’elle pensait qu’il savait ce qu’il faisait.

Salle de Sport de l'immeuble Meade Publication: 

Daniel en parle à son père qui est en train de faire sa gym. Il lui dit que Fabia ne veut pas seulement annuler le supplément mais enlever toutes les espaces pub de toutes les revues de Meade Publication. Il lui demande si c’est vraiment Daniel qui a eu cette idée, sans en parler au préalable à quelqu’un d’autre comme Wilhelmina. Son fils lui avoue qu’il pensait qu’elle voulait le court-circuiter mais au final il s’est saboté tout seul. Daniel veut réparer ça en proposant autre chose mais son père lui avoue qu’il est trop tard, mais Daniel le supplie de lui laisser jusqu’à demain matin.

Appartement de Wilhelmina : 

Elle est au téléphone avec Marc qui lui dit que Daniel n’arrête pas de lui laisser des messages. Elle raccroche et on voit qu’elle est au lit avec Philippe et qu’il savoure leur revanche en sabrant le champagne.

Bureau de Daniel, tard dans la soirée : 

Seul, avec des dizaines de photos éparpillées sur son bureau, Daniel tente de trouver une nouvelle idée. Excédé, il renverse tout et tombe sur le dossier d’idées de Betty et décide d’y jeter un coup d’œil.

Chez les Suarez :

Betty est au téléphone avec sa mutuelle pour qu’elle continue à prendre en  charge le traitement pour le cœur de son père, mais la personne l’a met en attente et Betty raccroche. On frappe à la porte, c’est Walter. Elle va lui ouvrir, Walter vient pour s’excuser, il a fait une énorme erreur avec Gina, il lui dit que c’est lui qui l’a plaqué pour elle. On frappe encore et Daniel entre. Walter lui demande si c’est son rendez-vous, Betty le met à la porte.


Elle se retourne vers Daniel et lui demande ce qu’il fait là. Il veut lui parler. Il s’excuse pour son comportement, il a été très mal conseillé. Betty le remercie mais lui va repartir dans sa voiture avec chauffeur, dans son loft en plein Soho mais elle, elle restera toujours là, au chômage avec des problèmes qui le dépassent totalement. Daniel lui dit qu’ils ont tous leurs problèmes mais Betty lui dit que les siens sont superficiels comme dans quel restaurant dîner où avec qu’elle mannequin coucher. Il ne doit pas se battre avec sa mutuelle ou pour avoir un travail afin de payer le loyer. Daniel lui dit qu’il a perdu son frère il y a pas mal d’années, c’était le plus doué contrairement à lui. Il lui dit qu’il a vu sa maquette pour Fabia et il a adoré le concept. Il veut le présenter à Fabia en précisant que c’est elle l’auteur et il lui demande de revenir travailler pour lui. Elle lui dit qu’elle doit y réfléchir, il lui laisse la nuit car demain matin il sera sans doute sans emploi et s’en va. 

Salle de conférence de MODE, le lendemain : 

Fabia est présente et attend Daniel qui est en retard. Wilhelmina se lève, lui présente ses excuses au nom du magazine et lui propose de jeter un œil à son projet quand Daniel accompagné de Betty entre dans la pièce.

Il annonce qu’ils ont eu peu de temps pour une nouvelle séance photo, le projet est donc juste une esquisse. Betty branche son ordinateur et c’est une photo d’elle et de Walter, en train de manger un hot-dog qui s’affiche, elle s’excuse et remet la bonne photo.

Daniel présente le projet pendant que des photos de Betty avec sa mère défilent sur l’écran : Pour montrer le côté tendre de Fabia Cosmetics, ils vont utiliser l’idée de la relation mère/fille en mettant en lumière les petits moments qui font la vie. Fabia dit qu’elle n’a qu’une fille et qu’elle n’a pas vécu toutes ces choses mais qu’elle peut les comprendre. Elle demande pourquoi cela peut-il plaire à ses clientes ? Betty prend le relais et déclare avoir des statistiques, la clientèle de Fabia est peut-être jeune mais l’attachement à la marque est très fort, c’est-à-dire les femmes qui n’étaient que des adolescentes au départ ont continué par la suite  a acheter ses produits bien qu’elle soit mère de famille.

Fabia est satisfaite, elle signe le projet et part. Bradford félicite son fils, Daniel souhaite dire que c’est Betty mais elle le coupe en disant que c’était la meilleure idée de ce dernier. Daniel et Betty sont heureux et sourient.

Clinique :

Wilhelmina marche vers une femme qui a le visage totalement bandé. Elle avoue que c’est un revers mais ce n’est qu’une question de temps et bientôt la société leur appartiendra. La femme masquée lui conseille de bien surveiller cette mocheté d’assistante, elle demande son nom.

A ce moment là, Wilhelmina prononce Betty mais s’en suit d’autres personnes comme Gina qui tente de réparer son plasma, Amanda, Walter ou encore Daniel qui le prononcent.


En bas de l’immeuble de MODE, Daniel est à sa voiture et interpelle Betty qui est avec Christina. Elle la remercie mais Christina lui dit d’y aller. Daniel lui dit que son père devait savoir que c’était son idée, Betty lui dit que ce n’est pas grave car la prochaine fois il le saura. Elle confirme son déjeuner de demain et ses rendez-vous, mais Daniel la coupe et lui dit que ça peut attendre demain, on voit qu’une fille l’attend dans la voiture.

Betty se retourne et marche dans la rue fière d’elle mais elle se casse la figure, Daniel sourit en voyant la scène.


[INT. Meade publications building]

(Close up on Betty Suarez, sitting vaguley impatiently. The title screen "UGLY BETTY" comes up briefly. She smiles, and moves over as another young woman sits down next to her. In comparison, Betty is awkward whereas the woman is elegant. The latter is texting someone.)

Betty: I like your poncho. My dad got me one in Guadalejara.

Woman: Milan. Dolce and Gabanna. Fall.

Betty: Oh.

Man: Betty Suarez?

(This man is obviously conducting a job interview of some sort. Upon seeing Betty, his face scrunches up in disaproval.)

Betty: Hi! Um, that's me. Uh, I have a hard copy of my resume if you need it. Should I follow you?

Man: Uh actually.. there's been a mistake.

Betty: A mistake?

Man: All the entry level positions we've been hiring for? They've been filled. I'm sorry.

(The man turns and walks away. Betty's face falls. Then she hurries up the stairs behind him.)

Betty: Um, sir? While you've got me here, I thought I could tell you a little about myself. Magazines are my passions, ever since I was a little kid. And I can't imagine a more amazing place to start my career than Meade publications. I know most of your magazines inside out, I try to devour as much as I can.

(The man takes Betty's arm and leads her back down the stairs during her frantic tirade.)

Man: Clearly.

(He heads back up stairs. Betty again looks deflated, but hurries back up after him.

Betty: Also, I've learnt so much through them, stuff so beyond my world, like who the up-and-comers are on the London art scene, or what the political ##### in Darfur are all about or which ###### is considered the most romantic in the world. And I have tons of ideas, I'm always jotting stuff down on the subway, but I'm getting ahead of myself, sir. All I really want is a chance, any position or publication-

Man: Goodbye!

(He closes the door on her, leaving Betty outside.)

Betty: I can do a hundred words a minute!!

(Throughout this, Bradford Meade has been watching Betty from upstairs, with mild interest. Betty looks despondent.)

CUT TO Justin watching a telenovela, in which a maid is holding a gun on a handsome man. As she tries to shoot him, the man takes the gun away from her. She breaks into tears, they start making out, and she rips his shirt off.

Justin: I hate telenovelas. I want to watch Fashion TV.

Hilda: Justin, you can watch Fasion TV later when your Aunt Betty is babysitting ok? Come have some flan.

Justin: I don't want flan. I'll get fat!

Hilda: Honey, you're a boy. It doesn't matter if you're fat or not. Betty, did you order Dad's birthday cake?

(Betty walks in, joining Hilda and Ignacio at the table.)

Betty: Of course. Chocolate Volcano, same one I got last year.

Ignacio: So, how was your interview?

Betty: Um, I think it was really good. I mean, they were impressed.

Hilda: You didn't get it.

Betty: Well they said that they had hired everyone they needed.

Ignacio: I don't understand. You're sharp, you're prepared, someone should have begged you to have worked for them the day you graduated Queens College.

Hilda: But Betty, have you thought about exploring other options?

Betty: Hilda, I'm not going to sell Herbalux.

Hilda: Well, I wasn't saying that. Necessarily.

Betty: Dad!

Ignacio: This career is Betty's dream.

Hilda: Ok. But I hear somebody else has some pretty big dreams too.

Betty: What are you talking about?

Hilda: Justin, tell your Aunt Betty what her boyfriend was saying the other night.

Justin: Walter was on his cell phone, talking to someone, and he said "She's the one."

Ignacio: He wants to marry you?

Betty: He does?

Justin: Well, would you do it?

Betty: Well, I- we haven't talked about that yet but

Hilda: Well, I think he's a catch. Flan?

(Someone knocks at the door.)

Betty: That's him!

(Walter comes in, carrying a tv.)

Walter: Hi Ignacio, Helda. Hi Betty.

Betty: Hey.

Walter: Here.

(He hands her the tv.)

Walter: It's a return. The mute doesn't work, but it sounds awesome.

Betty: Thank you.

(Hilda takes the tv from Betty and the two exchange looks.)

Walter: Uh. Betty, can we talk?

Betty: Yes. Sure.

(Walter tilts his head.)

Betty: Oh, outside, yeah, ok.

(CUT TO outside. Romantic music swells dramatically as we CUT TO inside, where Justin flips from the telenovela to Fashion TV.)

Fashion TV host: Celebrity studded funeral services were held today for Fay Sommers, the much loved and hated editor-in-chief of fashion bible, Mode Magazine. It was the bitch slap heard around the world when long time Mode creative director, Wilhelmina Slater was passed over for the top spot in favour of Daniel Meade, the nominally experienced son of Mode owner, Bradford Meade. Can the notorious man-whore translate his talents at bedding women to dressing them?

[EXT- City at night. Zoom inside a building, where Daniel Meade is sitting at his desk, leaning back into his chair, eyes closed. Bradford walks in and Daniel snaps to attention.]

Bradford: How do you like your new office?

Daniel: Ah, you scared me. Will you just give me a few minutes, there's some things I need to wrap up before I leave..

(Bradford turns to go, and catches sight of a pair of lacy pink underwear over a bunch of flowers. He picks them up.)

Bradford: Interesting decorating motif.

Daniel: He knows you're there.

(From under Daniel's desk, his assistant climbs out, holding a pencil.)

Daniel: I'd like to introduce you to my new assistant, Charmaine.

Bradford: Sorry to interrupt your.. uh, dictation, but this is not the way you run a magazine.

(Off Daniel's face, we CUT TO Betty's, stunned.)

Betty: What?

Walter: I'm in love with someone else.

Betty: Wh-I- How? I mean, I thought we.. well, who is it?

(Walter turns to look at another house.)

Betty: Gina Gambarro?

Walter: Sorry, I-

Betty: No, you don't have to say anything else.

Walter: Good luck, Betty. With everything.

(Walter walks away, as sad music swells. CUT TO Betty stuffing her face at the table. Justin walks in.)

Justin: Are you feeling any better?

Betty: I'm fine.

(The phone rings. Justin picks up.)

Justin: Hello?

(He covers the mouthpiece and turns to Betty.)

Justin: Some guy from Meat publications.

Betty: Meade?!

(She spits out the food in her mouth into a tissue and grabs the phone.)

Betty: This is Betty Suarez. Mm hmm. Are you serious?! Yeah, I of course, I can start tomorrow. Um, what magazine is this for? Mode? Yeah, I'll be there first thing in the morning. Ok, thank you, bye.

(As she hangs up, Justin presents her with an issue of Mode magazine, of which she is unfamiliar.)

Betty: Assistant to the Editor-in-Chief!

Justin: I didn't know you wanted to work for Mode!

Betty: Well, this wouldn't have been my first choice, but if I do good here, I can go anywhere in the company!

Justin: Well, just try and dress fashionably.. Do you have anything?

Betty: Actually, I do.

(CUT TO Betty, walking into Mode, wearing an enormous poncho, the one her father got for her from Guadalejara. It is bright red, with green and yellow writing. She looks ridiculous.)

Amanda: Oh. My. God.


(Betty is standing there, smiling happily. Amanda, the receptionist, regards her with shock.)

Amanda: Are you the before?

Betty: Huh?

Amanda: Before and after? The photoshoot? Are. You. De-liv-er-ing. Some-thing?

Betty: Oh, no, no. I uh, I work here.

(Amanda swallows a snort.)

Amanda: For?

Betty: For the new Editor-in-Chief.)

(Betty grins widely, Amanda looks more than surprised and maybe a little pissed off. They begin walking through Mode.)

Amanda: So everyone's in the conference room and Daniel's about to start his first staff meeting. I'm Amanda, by the way.

Betty: Betty.

Amanda: Ok FYI, Betty, assistants are usually here before their bosses.

Betty: Oh, I was filling out paperwork in H.R

Amanda: Yeah, just don't let it happen again. So uh, where do you come from?

Betty: Queens.

Amanda: What job did you have?

Betty: Oh acutally, apart from internships and part-time jobs to pay for school, this is my first real job!

Amanda: That's funny. I was told I didn't have enough experience for the position. It's over there.

(Amanda waves Betty off, and walks back to the front.)

Betty: You are an attractive, intelligent, confident business woman.

CUT TO inside the conference room, where Daniel is talking to the staff.

Daniel: So I confess, I'm probably not going to remember everyone's names.. I'm really uh-

(Betty walks into the glass walls of the conference room and everyone turns to look. There's some laughter.)

Daniel: Are you ok?

Betty: I'm ok, I'm fine, I'm so sorry.

(Betty walks in, and sits down, as people beside her shuffle to make room. Daniel tries to continue.)

Daniel: Uh, I wish I wasn't coming in as the new guy in such terrible circumstances,I realise I have some aweful big-

(Daniel is looking around the room, and catches Betty's eye. She grins widely at him.)

Daniel: teeth-SHOES, to fill but I can't tell you how excited I am to be working with such an amazingly talented and dedicated staff. Now I'd like to take a moment to talk about-

(Wilhelmina and her assistant, Marc, come in, drawing attention.)

Wilhelmina: So sorry I'm late-Oh. You began without me.

Daniel: Sorry, Wilhelmina, I waited-

Wilhelmina: Shh! Marc? Gift.

(Marc hands Daniel a box, as Wilhelmina sits.)

Daniel: Thank you. Now, as I was saying-

Wilhelmina: Well, aren't you going to open it?

(There's a tense moment, as Daniel pauses, then begins to open the gift. Betty observes this power struggle with mild indignation on behalf of Daniel. Anyhoo, Daniel pulls out a crystal tulip, with his details engraved, wrongly so.)

Wilhelmina: It's a ----- crystal, to commemmorate your first day.

Daniel: Thank you. But it is Daniel, not Danny.

Wilhelmina: What? I'm hellaciously upset, Marc.

Marc: Ohmygod, I'm so sorry!

Wilhelmina: Shh! Purge this from memory, please.

Daniel: As I was saying, it's a particularly exciting time for me.

Wilhelmina: I think we need to discuss the Fabia cosmetics supplement.

Daniel: Fabia cosmetics?

Wilhelmina: The biggest ad buy of the year and the only paid layout editorial ever works on.

Daniel: Well, I'm sure Fabia will love whatever we come up with.. right?

Wilhelmina: Daniel, you don't understand. Given the new circumstances, Fabia needs to sign-off on the spread before we go to print. Obviously, we're all here to help you succeed and we've got plenty of ideas. So I think that we all need to get back to work to make sure that this, your very issue with your name on the masthead, sparkles! Ok, everyone! Let's not dilly-dally, our editor needs us.

(Throughout this, Daniel looks resigned, as he realises that Wilhelmina is running a show that he's trying to.

Marc: Killer poncho!

Betty: Thanks!

(As Marc walks away, he makes a gagging gesture with his hand. Betty approaches Daniel as everyone files out.)

Betty: Mr Meade? Excuse me, um, Mr Meade? Hi, I just um, wanted to come and introduce myself personally. I'm Betty Suarez, it's a pleasure to meet you.

Daniel: Hi Betty. Uh. Uh, who do you work for?

Betty: Well, um, I work for you. I'm your new assistant.

(Daniel looks even more resigned. Off his look, we CUT TO a needle, being inserted into Wilhelmina. Marc is Botoxing her up.)

Wilhelmina: Did you get the crease underneath the hairline?

Marc: Yes, Willie.

Wilhelmina: Twenty years, Marc. No one has done more, worked harder, I have lived for this magazine. Helped make it into the icon it is today. Than that nasty nepetistic sonofabitch gives my job to his-

Marc: His son.

Wilhelmina: Who's a self absorbed Nefario punk who knows nothing about fashion! Tell me the truth. Is it because I'm getting old?

Marc: Absolutely not! Uh! Though you could do with a tad bit more between the brows.

(He injects more between the brows.)

Marc: So, what are you gonna do?

Wilhelmina: Just wait and see.

Marc: Well, he's well on his way to falling flat on his face. I mean, can you believe that assistant? This is Mode, not Dog Fancy! Done!

(Wilhelmina stands to look at herself in the mirror.)

Marc: What do you want me to do with the uh, leftover?

Wilhelmina: All yours.

(Marc mouths 'I love you' to Wilhelmina and she smiles indulgently as her phone rings.)

Wilhelmina: Give me a moment, Marc.

(Marc obligingly leaves but pauses at the door when part of the conversation catches his attention.)

Wilhelmina: How are you recovering, darling? .. Well, I'm sure you'll start feeling better once everything here starts coming to a boil. Mmhmm.

(CUT TO Betty, working at her computer, researching Fabia cosmetics. Amanda approaches her.)

Amanda: Here.

Betty: Oh, thank you.

Amanda: What are you doing?

Betty: Um, I'm just gather information on Fabia for Daniel.

Amanda: Ugh, she's so fabulously douchey. Who's he in with?

(She is referring to Daniel, who is talking to another man in his office.)

Betty: Oh um, Phillipe Michaud. He's a photographer.

Amanda: Ohhh. He's doing the supplement, isn't he?

Betty: Mm hmm!

Amanda: Oh, he's amazing. He's shot like everything.

Betty: Yeah, it looks like they're really good friends.

Amanda: Ah well, there's been some drama. Daniel hooked up with Phillipe's ex-girlfriend a couple of years ago. They're fine now. Yeah, we went out for a week. And they don't call him the Tripod because he's a photographer, if you catch my drift.

(Inside Daniel's office, Phillipe is going through a photo album, presumably with ideas for the Fabia supplement in it.)

Phillipe: Mm, this is crap. No. Nope. Too down. Too out. Can't go down. All this is terrible.

Daniel: That's what I thought. Phillipe, can I trust you with something?

Phillipe: Of course, Daniel. You know you're like a brother to me.

Daniel: I don't think anyone wants me here. Especially Wilhelmina.

Phillipe: Well, that's no secret.

Daniel: I think she's trying to take me in the wrong direction with this Fabia layout. Do you have any ideas?

Phillipe: Like, a million? But keep things on the quiety. Most of these people are still loyal to Wilhelmina and you don't want them mucking things up.

(Betty knocks at the door.)

Betty: Um, sorry to interrupt, but can I get you lunch?

Daniel: No, no. But you go ahead, thanks.

Betty: Hi, I'm a really big fan of yours. That travel layout you did with the Tiki torches? Wow, that was, that was really gorgeous.

Phillipe: Heh.. thank you.

Betty: Yeah, it kinda reminded me of this Heroki spread I saw a couple of years ago.

Phillipe: Listen, I don't know who you are or what you're implying but I would never use another photographer's idea.

Betty: Oh! No, no, no, no! I wasn't- I wasn't saying- um. Uh. I should go.

(Betty leaves as Daniel smiles.)

Phillipe: What's the story here? I know the type of woman you hire.

Daniel: My father made me.

Phillipe: You're kidding me.

Daniel: What? She appears to be good, capable-

Phillipe: Fugly! Listen to me. You are the editor-in-chief of Mode magazine. This business is all image. Is that what you want representing you? Papparazzi taking your picture and she's standing behind?

Daniel: Oh, I can't fire her, Phillipe.

Phillipe: Well. What if she quits?

Daniel: And how do I get her to do that?

Phillipe: You beat her down. To a pulp.

(CUT TO Betty, who is in the Mode cafe, looking around. People look her down, and move so that she can't sit nex to them. She finally manages to claim a seat, when Christina approaches her.)

Christina: Hey you. Betty right? Daniel Meade's new assistant?

Betty: Yeah, how'd you know that?

Christina: Oh, everybody knows everything around here. I'm Christina. I work in the Closet.

Betty: The Closet?

Christina: Mm, where all the claws are kept. No, I act as an in-house seamstress, keep track of things. Sometimes they even let me keep some of the crappy stuff from last season, but I have to improvise because everything is a size zero. Voila! Anyway, I like it. Mostle because I'm by myself, away from all the chiccies.

Betty: The chiccies?

Christina: The bitches that work at Mode. Hey girls!

(Two other women approach Chrstina.)

Christina: Zelda, Nancy, this is Betty.

Betty: Hi, it's nice to meet you.

(And we pan over to Marc and Amanda who've observed the little scene.)

Marc: It's the bizzaro version of Sex In The City.

Amanda: Stop it, I'm gagging.

(CUT TO Bradford Meade, sitting on a bench feeding pidgeons. After a few moments, a man approaches the bench and sits next to him.)

Man: Funny, you look like any old schlupp sitting here, feeding these stupid pidgeons.

Bradford: I doubt if any old schlupp would be feeding them artesianal pan they made themselves.

Man: There's nothing to worry about. She's gone. Weren't you sitting front row at the funeral?

Bradford: Closed casket. Double-triple check the things Fey Summers knows about me. About the company.

Man: I'm on it.

(CUT TO: Daniel, placing a call to Betty as Phillipe watches, amused.)

Daniel: Hi Betty. There's a problem with my lunch.

Betty: Ok.

Daniel: I love coleslaw, I hate cabbage.

Betty: But- coleslaw is-

Daniel: No, no, no, no, I know, I like the tart, tangy dressing. Can you do something about it? Before it gets to room temperature?

(Betty tries to pick the cabbage out of coleslaw. We then see her receiving a call at 3:23 in the morning.)

Betty: Hello? Hi Daniel.

(Next, Betty is delivering coffee to Daniel and Phillipe. A large dog (Phillipe's, presumaby, although Daniel is the one holding onto it) jumps onto Betty. In the next scene, Daniel is walking down one of the Mode corridors without a shoe, because Betty is removing gum from the bottom of it. Finally, we have her sitting outside at night, when her cell rings.)

Betty: Hi.

Hilda: Betty, where are you?

Betty: I'm still working.

Hilda: You forgot, didn't you?

Betty: Ohmygod, Dad's birthday! Yeah, I was busy.

(A taxi pulls up on the other side of the road, and a woman steps out.)

Betty: Look,I gotta go ok? I'll get home as soon as I can.

(Betty hangs up on Hilda, and calls Daniel, who is in the apartment above Betty.)

Betty: Um yeah, the red turkey is on the move.

(Upstairs, in the apartment, Daniel is lying next to Amanda. They are minimally dressed.)

Daniel: Uh hold on, it's work stuff. Will you sleep over another night?

Amanda: Sure. So, uh, when's this position going to open?

Daniel: Hopefully, very, very soon.

Amanda: Oh, ok. Well uh, goodnight, boss.

(Amanda leaves, and Daniel turns back to his call to Betty.)

Daniel: Hey.

Betty: Hi. Uh, do you need anything else?

Daniel: Why don't you stick around for a little bit? Make sure everything's ok?

Betty: Yeah. Ok, no problem.

(Betty hangs up. Daniel looks guilty for a second, but the woman from the taxi arrives, and drops her jacket.)

Daniel: Perfect timing.

(Cut to Betty walking down her street.)

Gina: Mmm. Oh, Walter. You're such a big boy.

(Betty looks unhappy, and continues to her house, where Hilda is taking down the party balloons.)

Hilda: He's sleeping.

Betty: Hilda, I know

Hilda: Do you realise this is the first time since Mom died that we haven't all been together on his birthday?

Betty: Yes, I realise that, and I'm sorry. But I was working..

Hilda: It's fine, Betty. I just hope it's all worth it. We saved you a piece of cake. It's in the fridge.

(Betty collapses on the sofa, and a picture of her and her mother catches her eye. She takes out her notebook, and writes WORK IDEA across the top.)

(CUT TO: Mode, where Betty is following Daniel as he is talking on the phone.)

Daniel: Oh, this photoshoot is going to be absolutely sick. Best spread we've done for Fabia by far.

(Betty drops some of her belongings, and hastily picks them up and rushes after Daniel.)

Daniel: Oh yeah, I'm on my way to set as we speak. Uh, hello?

Betty: It's a really exciting day, huh? I mean, with the photoshoot? Hey Daniel, I know you're really overwhelmed right now, but I was wondering if-

(Daniel walks away. Betty, after a moment's pause, follows him outside Mode.)

Betty: Daniel, I was wondering, if you had a quick moment..

(She holds out her proposal to him.)

Daniel: Do I look like I have a quick moment?

Betty: No. So sorry.

Daniel: Dammit! They forgot one of the outfits. Go up to the closet and bring it to the set.

(He takes the folders from her and then gets in the car.)

Betty: Please?

(Betty goes up to the Closet, where Christina works.)

Christina: Feel the fabric in that thing.

Betty: It's kind of rough.

Christina: That's because it's burlap. Basically, you're talking seven thousand dollars for a designer potato sack.

Betty: I can't believe people acutally buy this stuff.

Chrstina: I can't believe they wear it. And usually just once before they chuck it to make room for the next season but that's fashion and I've got to say, I love it. Oh, you're not too much into it, are you?

Betty: Um, no. Not really.

Christina: So, how's it going?

Betty: Um.

Christina: Brutal?

Betty: Well, nothing I do is good enough. He treats me like dirt, and just now, I was trying to show his this one idea that I had. It would have taken him thirty seconds but he bit my head off. What?

Christina: Betty. Nancy was down in Human Resources, and some people, they were talking and well apparently, Bradford was the one that wanted to hire you.

Betty: Bradford Meade? Wait, he knows who I am?

Christina: He made Daniel hire you because he didn't want his son to be tempted to sleep with his assistants anymore.

Betty: Oh.

Christina: I'm sorry, Betty.

Betty: No, that explains a lot.

Christina: Betty-

Betty: No, no really, it's fine. I should be grateful that I got my break. It's not so easy for everyone. This is just how it was supposed to happen for me. Well, I should be going so.. thank you.

(Betty hurries away, but leaves her proposal behind accidentally.)

(CUT TO: Daniel and Phillipe's photoshoot for Fabia, which involves a car crash, bright colours, and vivid make up on dying people.)

Amanda: So I was on my lunchbreak, and I thought I'd stop by. This is really amazing.

Daniel: Thanks Amanda.

Amanda: And if you need anything..

(Phillipe walks up, talking on the phone.)

Phillipe: Did anyone read the contract to her? She needs to be here for the test shots!

(He hangs up.)

Daniel: Hey, what's going on?

Phillipe: The Brazilian model? She's late. This is a crazy complicated shoot, and I need her dressed and ready, right now.

Daniel: Phillipe, they're test shots. Let's just use a stand in.

Phillipe: No, she's too specific. I need someone with her skin tone. Someone like her.

(He points at Betty, who has just walked in.)

Daniel: Her?

Phillipe: I bet you she quits before she does it.

(Betty is eating a donut. When Daniel approaches her, she spits it out.)

Daniel: Betty, I'm so glad you're here. Look, we have a crisis and we really need your help.

Betty: Ok.

Daniel: One of our models didn't show up. We really need someone to stand in for her. In the wardrobe.

Betty: Um, so. You want me to do it?

Daniel: Mmhmm! Well?

Betty: Well. This is what you want me to do?

Daniel: Yeah!

(Betty has been looking at all the other models, who are taller and thinner than she is with some reluctance. She walks away. Daniel exhales loudly and approaches Phillipe.)

Phillipe: Well?

Daniel: Looks like she finally quit.

Phillipe: Good. ####### had no business working for you in the fi-

(Phillipe freezes, as has Amanda, who are staring at the door. Betty walks in, in the costume, which is basically a tight, revealing leather combination. The chatter and laughter starts up, but Betty bravely ignores it.)

Betty: Where do you want me?

Phillipe: Right here. I see a shadow, can you move that light?

(Phillipe positions Betty next to two other girls, and then gets them to pose "sexily", which Betty cannot do. The room starts to laugh, much to Betty's- and Daniel's- distress.)

Daniel: Stop it. Stop it.

(Betty's eyes fill up, and she hurries away. Daniel goes after her.)

Daniel: Betty, wait.

Betty: This is what you wanted, isn't it? To humiliiate me, make me quit? God forbid you had to work with the ugly girl your Dad forced you to hire. Well, congratulations.

(Daniel looks thoroughly ashamed, as Betty walks away.)

(CUT TO: Betty, sitting on the front steps of her house.)

Justin: Chamonmile?

Betty: Thank you Justin.

Justin: I'm sorry it didn't work out.

Betty: It happens.

Justin: Mom said she wasn't surprised.

Betty: Hilda said that?

Justin: She said all the stuff you want to do? Owning a magazine? Doesn't happen to people like us. Unless you're J.Lo or something. She said she wishes you'd be more realistic, but I think she's full of crap.

(Betty smiles at her nephew, and then is distracted by Gina making out with a guy.)

Betty: Hold this.

(Betty gives her cup to Justin, and then stomps up to Gina's house.)

Betty: I just want to say that this is really unfair. I live TWO DOORS down. I can see you!

Gina: What the hell you doing?

(Beneath Gina, is a random man. It is not Walter, as Betty had presumed.)

Betty: Um, where's Walter?

Gina: It's over. Look, Walter, he's sweet and everything but I told him from the start that I wasn't looking for anything serious. And he said fine, he could still get me thirth percent off a flatscreen.

Betty: You used him for his discount?

Gina: Ugh! He offered.

(Betty slams out of the hosue, and Gina's flatscreen falls to the floor.)

Gina: Bitch! You broke my plasma!!

(CUT TO the Mode office, where Fabia is waiting to clear off the new photoshoot. She plays with her dog as she waits.)

Daniel: We are so thrilled to have you hear, Fabia. Now, why don't we let the pictures speak for themselves?

(Daniel starts a slideshow, which displays a variety of pictures from the shoot. Fabia doesn't look impressed.)

Fabia: This is freaking joke, right?

Daniel: Uh, no.

Fabia: Il stupido. All of you, stupido! Idiots! Idiots!

(Fabia grabs a handful of M&Ms and throws them before leaving.)

Daniel: What? What just happened?

Marc: Well, Fabia's probably still a little sensitive about the accident.

Daniel: Accident?

Marc: Oh, you didn't know? About a month ago, she backed her SUV into twelve people outside Marquais.

Phillipe: I was in San ######. I had no idea.

Daniel: Why, why didn't anyone say anything?

Wilhelmina: Daniel, if I may, you didn't include me in the concept. We all thought you knew what you were doing.

(Daniel is with Bradford as Bradford works out, with an assistant assisting him with his stretches.)

Bradford: Fabia's not just talking about cancelling the Mode supplement, she's considering pulling advertising from every one of my magazines. Is it true you worked on this on your own? Didn't consult Wilhelmina or anyone else?

Daniel: I can explain. I had-I had a very strong feeling she was trying to sabotage me.

Bradford: The only person who sabotaged you was yourself.

Daniel: Sorry I let you down.

Bradford: I'm sorry I keep hoping you're something you're clearly not. Ugh. My leg is cramping.

Daniel: Look, I can fix this. I'll just present her with a whole new idea.

Bradford: We just closed book, it's too late.

Daniel: Tomorrow morning. Please. Give me another chance.

(CUT TO: Wilhelmina is in bed, taking a call from Marc.)

Marc: Daniel called again for you.

Wilhelmina: What part of unavailable doesn't he understand?

Marc: I'll let him know.

(Wilhelmina hangs up on Marc. Phillipe gets into bed, handing over a glass of wine to Wilhelmina.)

Wilhelmina: You really should have come to me earlier.

Phillipe: It really wouldn't have made any difference now, would it?

Wilhelmina: Not really. To teamwork.

Phillipe: To revenge.

Wilhelmina: Ahh.

(They click glasses, drink and then start kissing. Fade to Daniel, working at Mode to come up with a new idea. He brushes an assortement of papers away from his desk, and comes across the folder with Betty's idea in it and looks at it pensievely. CUT TO the telenovela, in which a maid is caught with a pretty dress, and has a bitch fight with a posh looking woman.)

Betty: He has a heart condition. Yes, he needs his medication.

(Betty is talking on the phone to Social Services.)

Betty: But you can't just cover the pills and then randomly decide to stop. But it's a real person's health, it's not a case number!

Ignacio: Give me the phone!

Betty: No! No, I don't want to hold again! Not again, no, just wait!

(She hangs up, exhasperated.)

Betty: It's fine. We'll just get them tomorrow. It's fine.

Ignacio: Thank you, amore. You're so much better at dealing with bureaucratic stuff than I am.

Betty: You know I don't mind.

Ignacio: I know. You're always so good to me. So strong, determined, optimistic. Just like your mother was.

(He kisses her head. Someone knocks at the door.)

Walter: Why haven't you returned my calls?

Betty: I've been busy!

Walter: Betty, I need to talk to you, I made a terrible mistake.

Betty: Well, did you realise this before or after Gina dumped you?

Walter: What? No, no, I broke up with her. Betty, it was wrong, and I want to make this up to you. I-

(He is interrupted when Daniel knocks at the door, and comes in.)

Daniel: Betty, I-

Walter: Are you dating someone?

Betty: Walter, please go!

Walter: Dating this guy?

Betty: Look, you need to go, please.

Walter: What? Betty, I was just-

(She closes the door as he is still speaking.)

Betty: What are you doing here?

Daniel: I want to talk. Uh, nice place.

Betty: Yeah, we're just in between interior designers.

Daniel: Really?

Betty: No.

Daniel: Oh right, it's a joke. Betty, I am so sorry. You didn't deserve what I put you through. I listened to all the wrong people about a lot of things and I have no one to blame but myself.

Betty: Well, I appreciate that Daniel. But you're going to leave here, and you're going to take your town car up to your SoHo loft, and I'm still going to be here. Out of work, and dealing with problems that you'll never understand.

Daniel: Try me. Betty, come on, we've all got problems.

Betty: Oh, what are yours, Daniel? What restaurant you're going to eat at? Which model you're going to sleep with? Try spending the day on the phone with some crappy HMO getting them to cover your Dad's presriptions, or try lining up a job, any job because you have to help pay the rent next month!

Daniel: Look, I lost a brother a while back. He was the good one in our family, and I've never quite measured up, but I am trying. Betty, I could never compare my problems to yours but they are mine. Nothing's ever easy. I saw the layout you made for Fabia.

Betty: You did?

Daniel: I thought it was very smart and beautiful.

Betty: Well, thank you.

Daniel: I want to take your ideas to Fabia, giving you credit, of course. I really want you to come back, be my assistant. I promise you, things will be different.

Betty: I, um. Daniel, I really have to think about that.

Daniel: Yeah. Well, you have tonight, because I'll probably be out of a job as well.

(Daniel leaves, with Betty staring thoughtfully after him.)

Betty: Did you hear that?

Ignacio: Mmhmm. Every word.

(CUT TO the Mode offices, where Fabia is back, and once again waiting.)

Fabia: So? Where the hell is he?

Bradford: He said ten AM.

Wilhelmina: Well, Fabia, on behalf of the entire magazine, chi padome. This whole thing has been unacceptable. Marc?

(Marc hurries to Wilhelmina's side.)

Wilhelmina: Now that I have a moment of my time, I'd like to show you some of my ideas?

(At that moment, Daniel and Betty arrive.)

Daniel: Sorry we're late. There was obviously no time for a new photoshoot, so what we're going to be showing you is just a rough idea.

(Betty starts her projector, and a photo of her and Walter comes up.)

Betty: Uh wait. No, this is not the right file. One sec, one second. This is it.

(She finds the right files, and projects them. Images of Betty, as a young child, and her mother come up: singing, riding a bike, experiementing with make-up.)

Daniel: Uh, in order to show the softer side of Fabia cosmetics, we're going to use the concept of mothers and daughters focusing on the small, special moments that are usually taken for granted, the theme being, it's the the big events, but the little moments that matter.

Fabia: I just had a daughter. I do none of those things.

(For a second, Marc and Wilhelmina look gleeful.)

Fabia: But I can understand it. What makes you think it's going to appeal to my customers?

(Daniel is lost for words, so Betty steps in.)

Betty: Um, if I may, I do have the statistics here. Um, though one might assume that your demographic is very young, in fact, there's been tremendous brand loyalty since you've launched, which means that the people who were teenagers when they began using your cosmetics well, are now, like you, beginning to settle down and have children. Um, fifty-eight percent, to be exact.

Fabia: And you could do this in time?

Daniel: Of course. Uh, did you want to approve the models and images beforehand?

Fabia: No! Just make sure it's not too sappy. Do a picture where they're pulling their hair or biting each other. But it's nice. Now I go.

(And Fabia waltzes out. Bradford comes up to Daniel.)

Bradford: Good work.

Daniel: Well the idea was actually-

Betty: His best one, don't you think?

Wilhelmina: Indeed. Welcome back, boss. Marc!

(They all file out of the room. Daniel and Betty exchange pleased smiles.)

(CUT TO the dark room, with Wilhelmina and the wrapped up woman.)

Woman: I'm very unhappy.

Wilhelmina: It's a setback but it's just a matter of time. Once he's out of the picture, the company will be ours for the taking.

Woman: Considering the way that everything's played out, it seems to me that you should keep an eye on that damn ugly assistant. What's her name?

Wilhelmina: Betty.

(CUT TO Gina, looking at her dead tv.)

Gina: Betty!

(CUT TO Amanda, still the receptionist.)

Amanda: Betty!

(CUT TO Walter, moping over his loss.)

Walter: Betty!

(CUT TO Daniel, gesturing to Betty.)

Daniel: Betty! Betty!

Betty: Oh Christina, thank you again, so much.

Christina: Shh! No, no, no, no, go. Go!

Daniel: You should've let me tell him it was your idea.

Betty: Don't worry, I will the next time.

Daniel: Thanks.

Betty: You're welcome. So, I've confirmed your lunch for tomorrow and your 3:15 with the Graphics department is set, the feature with-

Daniel: Betty. Tomorrow morning. It's ok.

(A hand inside the car gestures to Daniel to hurry up.)

Daniel: Ahem. Good night.

(He goes to get in the car, and pauses to watch Betty walk off. She stacks it near the lights, but gets us quickly and continues, smiling. Daniel smiles, amused, before he gets into the car.)



Source : twiztv

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Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

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Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

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