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The Last Beacon - Script VO

[door opening, low engine sounds, footsteps shuffling]

Man: Mornin', Gr***!

WomanMornin', bright and early! Shut the ***, eh?

Man: *** the bloody council (?) above my garage!


Owen: [sighs] Ticket, please.

Woman: You want a rider?

Owen: I want a what-what?

Woman: [pause, deeper] You getting on and off?

Owen: Yeah, usually. This is a bus, isn't it?

Woman: Where you off to, bud?

Ianto: You want me to, um -

Owen: No. [pronouncing it wrong] Hangoed.

Woman: We don't do Hangoed. You gotta get a rider, jump off at Caerphilly (?), and catch the n***.

Man: Or he could get off at *** and walk. Not far!

Woman: Aye, he could do that. *** be cheaper than ***.

Owen: [in an undertone] I have no idea what anybody's saying to me.

Ianto: [in an undertone] If I may.

Owen: Go for it. I'll be at the back, self-harming with the kids.

[children shrieking in the background, footsteps]

Ianto: Sorry. He's foreign. We'll have two weekend riders between Cardiff and Br***, please.

Woman: [punching buttons as a ticket dispenses] Haven't seen you two around here before. Up to anything much good?

Ianto: We're - we're geocaching in the Valleys.

Woman: Geo-what?

Ianto: Walking. We're walking.

[Torchwood radio play theme]

[sounds of driving, from inside a vehicle]

Ianto: [sighs] Used to catch this bus every weekend to visit my nan. Quite picturesque, this journey. Yep, I know this area quite well. My family, on my mum's side. This is where they're from. [soft laugh] See that mountain?

Owen: Nope.

Ianto: Big green landmass to the right. That mountain hasn't always been green.

Owen: [barely audible whine]

Ianto: Have I done something to upset you?

Owen: Whose idea was it to get a bus?

Ianto: Mine!

Owen: Then yes.

Ianto: I thought this would be a good way to get a feel for the area. Plus, it helps our cover, as environmentally concerned geo-adventurers.

Owen: And whose idea was it to disguise ourselves as environmentally concerned geo-adventurers?

Ianto: Mine.

Owen: How come we let you coordinate the mission?

Ianto: Come again?

Owen: Let's face it, I outrank you. Why am I not the one in charge?

Ianto: I know the area! How to blend in. How to be discreet. We don't really know what we're up against, we can't risk being exposed by going in all willy-nilly.

Owen: Meanin' what, exactly?

Ianto: If whoever's behind the transmission has had dealings with us before, they might recognize us. That's why we're undercover. It's people who are looking for something. That way we won't draw attention to ourselves by - well you know - looking for something.

Owen: Wow. Why aren't you in charge all the time?

Ianto: Can you just try to enjoy the change of scenery? Look at the mountains. Take in the surroundings -

Owen: W-W-Well I have! So far I've seen a fantastic selection of palms, most of them boarded up, an array of kids smoking on benches, two spar (?) shops, a One Stop, nine pairs of pajama bottoms, two terrified community support officers, and seven kebab shops, all called "Yummy's"! You're absolutely right, Ianto, this truly is God's own country.

Ianto: Okay.

Owen: [sighs] Seriously. Where are the others, have I pissed Jack off?

Ianto: No. It's just Rift activity's through the roof at the moment - Well, yesterday, quite literally - And I thought - He thought, we could handle this on our own.

Owen: Look, just. Don't get too excited. He's let you plan some of the finer details, that's all. Doesn't mean you're in charge.

Ianto: Well.

Owen: And for the record. I don't want to handle this on our own, I don't want to be running around in a sheep shed, looking for a needle in a haystack. I don't want to be dressed like a rambling geo-cock, and I don't want to be here, on a bus, with you!

[moody violin music]

Ianto: Do you like waterfalls?

[scene end]

[steady rain, footsteps, Ianto pressing buttons on some sci-fi device]

Ianto: [sighs] Still won't give me an exact location. But, the source of the transmission has to be somewhere in the five-mile radius of Hangoed. The closer we get, the more precise the reading. The message is encoded, and 99 percent of it is an alien script, but it includes the letters H, S, R, C.

Owen: And did we have her identify alien script?

Ianto: You were at the briefing.

Owen: Yeah, but I kind of - drifted off.

Ianto: Well, Tosh says most of the symbols are Talascotian(?), but - 

Owen: Talascotians were wiped out 50 years ago.

Ianto: Exactly.

Owen: So. Hotel, dump stuff, get out there, and find our illegal alien. Shoot them.

Ianto: Um - 

Owen: Uh, or, bag 'em - 

Ianto: Better.

Owen: Then call Jack to pick us up. If we're quick, we won't even have to spend the night in an armpit.

[knocking noise, and faint sounds of machinery moving]

Owen: Why have we stopped?

Ianto: This is the hotel.

Owen: It's a work site.

Ianto: It's just a bit of maintenance. It's an old building.

Owen: There's no way this a hotel. And even if it is, it has to be closed. And probably condemned.

Ianto: Nope, look - "Business as usual".

Owen: Where does it say that.

Ianto: Spray-painted on that bedsheet.

Owen: I am not staying here.

Ianto: There's nowhere else. This is the only hotel in Hangoed.

Owen: [sighs]

Ianto: [softly] We could camp.

[lightning crash]

[entering a building, vacuum sound in the background]

Owen: [shuddering sighs] Jesus.

Ianto: [sniffs] Oh. At least it smells nice.

Owen: [sniffs] Smells like - 

Ianto: Lavender, and -

Owen: Fruit farts(?). [rings the concierge bell repeatedly] Come on, come on.

Ianto: Patience.

Owen: There's someone in the office.

Ianto: Think that's the cleaner.

Owen: [raising his voice] Yeah, hello? Hello, we, we'd like to check in.

Ianto: She's looking - Look, be nice, she's old.

Owen: Yes, you, dear. Can we check in, please?

Old Woman: What, love?

Owen: Do you want to turn the vacuum off?

Old Woman: Sorry, love, what did you say?

Owen: Turn the ff-- [struggles]

Ianto: Hiya, hiya! We're uh, we're checkin' in.

Old Woman: Sorry, lads, couldn't hear you over the Hoover. Di(?) not here, is he? Probably gone for a walk, he's always walkin'! [confiding tone] I think he's havin' a break-down.

Owen: Yeah great that makes two of us. We'd like to check in.

Ianto: [coughs]

Owen: Please.

Old Woman: Uh, well. I'm not really supposed to! I'm just the cleaner, see. But I tell you what. I'll have a look in the book, and we'll see if we can find you a key! How does that sound?

Owen: Like a hotel.

Ianto: The name's Woods.

[sounds of filing paper]

Owen: No computer? 

Old Woman: Eh, Di did have one, but he didn't get on with it, so we threw it out. I don't blame him, mind. Typin' stuff down seems so cold compared with writin', if you write something you know with a *** 

Owen: [muffled snickering]

Ianto: Don't.

Old Woman: Oh-ho! There you are. This must be the room. [keys jingling] Ooh! You're in 13. And lucky for some! 

Ianto: Thank you, we really appreciate it.

Old Woman: That one's on the middle floor. You can sort the money out with Di. If he ever comes back. [turns on the vacuum]

Owen: Uh, where's mine?

Ianto: Oh, ah, uh. Meant to say - Lots of contractors here, hotel pretty jammed. So basically, we have to share.

Owen: [whispering] I hate ***.

[vaccum fades out]

[door opens, luggage sounds]

Owen: [gasps] What the hell did you pack in these? Can't feel my shoulders.

Ianto: Just some changes of clothes, some essentials. Hey! At least there's two beds.

Owen: [sighs] Let's get some light in here. Right, where's the -

Ianto: Windows.

Owen: There are no windows.

Ianto: It appears we're in the middle of the building.

Owen: Perfect for taking in the local natural beauty.


Ianto: Oh, good news. The PDA has narrowed the search parameters down to just over a mile radius.

Owen: Great, let's go.

Ianto: Our possibly-Talascotian signal is coming from somewhere on Hangoed mountain. There.

Owen: That's the wall.

Ianto: Beyond the wall. Maybe we should leave it til after the storm.

Owen: No, we're going now. What have you got in those packs?

Ianto: [unzipping packs] Right, I've got us some walking boots, headlamps, couple of g***s, fingerless gloves - that turn into mittens - 

Owen: Okay okay, w-what the hell is this? Alien tech I'm not familiar with?

Ianto: I'll take that.

Owen: How come you get the pack with the mittens and g***s, and I get the heavy alien tech?

Ianto: That one was supposed to be mine. After the briefing, you just grabbed it and walked off in a strop. Besides, it's not alien tech. It's my coffee maker!

Owen: Y-your what? There's free coffee right there! Don't give me the eyebrow.

Ianto: That, is out-of-date instant. This, is the Power Bean 8.

Owen: So what are these? Heat-generating coasters? 

Ianto: Oh, they're GPS devices. Purpose-built for geocaching. 

Owen: Okay, I've avoided it til now. Hey Ianto, what's geocaching?

Ianto: It's like a treasure hunt. All around the world, enthusiasts plant these boxes, or geocaches, at places of geological interest. GPS helps geo-explorers - like us - locate the boxes. Inside each box, there'll be info about the significance of the area, [starts to laugh as Owen exaggerates a yawn] and where you find it -

Owen: Yeaahh, sounds life-changing. Can we go?

Ianto: I really think we should wait until the storm eases.

Owen: We work in Cardiff. I think we can handle a little bit of rain.

[scene change, thunder and lightning as rain comes down heavily, footsteps]

Owen: [yelling] It's too much! Too much!

Ianto: We need to go back!

Owen: What?

Ianto: What're you saying?

Owen: We should go back, this g*** is like a sail, we're gonna die in this wind.

Ianto: Wha-?

Owen: We - are - going - to die - up here!

Ianto: There! There, okay! Take cover!

Owen: Right.

[rain sounds die down, Owen and Ianto are breathing hard]

Owen: Jesus. Right.

Ianto: Whew. I think this is enough.

Owen: Really? How much - [gasp] - farther to the top?

Ianto: Not too far. I think. I was hoping the PDA would give us a better reading. But nothing yet.

Owen: We should just - Head toward the light.

Ianto: Very funny. There are no lights up here.

Owen: What's that then?


Ianto: Whoa. Looks like a fire.

Owen: What natter would be camping in this weather?

[rising sound of something burning]

Ianto: It's getting closer. Wait. Is that - ?

Man: [echoing slightly and getting louder] Run! The mind! Kill us all! Run! For your lives!

Ianto: God - He's on fire.

Owen: Look alive! [the man continues to shout, repeating himself] Stop right there, I'm a doctor, I can help you. You need to stop.

Ianto: He's coming straight for us!

Man: Aaaaaah! Aaaaaah!

Owen: I said stop! Aaaaaaah!

Ianto: Aaaaah!

[the man suddenly stops screaming in agony and Owen and Ianto pant as the rain continues to fall]

Owen: Where'd he go?

Ianto: He just - he just disappeared! I - 

Owen: Don't you dare say 'ghost'.

Ianto: Well what would you call it?

Owen: Not a ghost. [lightning] Ugh, this weather.

Ianto: Well - 

Owen: Don't say I told you so. How far away's the signal?

Ianto: Don't know. [tapping the PDA] PDA is playing up!

Owen: Oh, brilliant. 

Ianto: Come on. Must be water-logged.

Owen: Sod this for a game of soldiers! [walks away]

Ianto: Where are you going?

Owen: Back to the hotel!

Ianto: Wait for me!

[eerie violin, end scene]

[door opens, Owen and Ianto remove their coats while breathing heavily]

Owen: Oh, god. Chr- It's bloody pointless staying out on that mountain if the PDA's screwed.

Ianto: It's not screwed. It just needs drying out.

Owen: Yeah, it's not the only one.

[water dripping]

Ianto: Just need to take the battery out, stick it on the radiator, try again tomorrow.

Owen: So, are we gonna talk about what we saw out there?

Ianto: What, you meant the ghost that isn't a ghost?

Owen: It isn't a ghost.

Ianto: Then what is it?

Owen: He was dressed as a coal miner.

Ianto: And the coal mine's been closed since the 70s.

Owen: How's he dressed?

Ianto: He was on fire.

Owen: How's he dressed, that got out of hand.

Ianto: And then he disappeared.

Owen: It wasn't a ghost!

Ianto: Look, I'll make some coffee. Warm us up a bit, and we'll go and grab some grub.

OwenUgh. But, where?

Ianto: There's a Yummy's up the road.

Owen: Of course there is.

[string music]

[rain, footsteps]

Owen: Why are they all called Yummy's?

Ianto: They're not all called that.

Owen: Name another one.

Ianto: Well, there's. There's New Yummy's?

Owen: Oh, I stand corrected. Whoa! Whoa whoa whoa.

Ianto: What is it?

Owen: We can't go in there.

Ianto: Why?

Owen: It's got a hygiene rating of one.

Ianto: Could be worse.

Owen: How?

Ianto: Could be zero!

Owen: Yeah. Great. Can't go in there. Let's find somewhere else.

Ianto: There is nowhere else. Unless you want a length walk - 

Owen: No. No more walking. You go, I'll grab a pot noodle from the One Stop.

Ianto: Please yourself.

Owen: I'll meet you out here.

Ianto: Right.

[door opens, bell rings, Owen walks into someone]

Owen: Watch it!

Young Man: Sorry.

Other  Young Man: So, what'd she do then, then, bud?

Young Man: Oh-oh-oh, didn't say shit, but. Took him round the back of the HSRC.

Other Young Man: Did he bang her, did he?

Young Man: Naw, didn't have any rubbers, did he. Said he gave a hell of a finger-bashin', mind, she was on ***.

Owen: Uh, excuse me, gents, sorry to interrupt. Didn't understand a word of what you just said, but uh - 

Young Man: [as he and his friend chuckle] Ohh, long way from Chester(?), bud?

Owen: I'm not from Chester.

Young Man: M***, is it?

Owen: No, no. But I heard you say HSRC, and was just wondering - what that is, exactly.

Other Young Man: Well it's the - 

Young Man: ***, shut up a minute. We'll tell you if you do us a favor.

[rain fades out]

[indoors, beep]

Cashier: Anything else?

Owen: [sighs] Yeah, 20 ambassador menthol(?) and two bottles of B*** FKD, please.

Cashier: These for you?

Owen: Uh, yes.

Cashier: Had to ask. There's a couple of kids, pain in the arse, they are. They'll lose me my license one of these days. [rings up the purchase] That'll be 19 pounds and 97 pence, please.

Owen: How much? [hands over money] Here, keep the change. That smell.

Cashier: What's that.

Owen: Lavender, and some sort of fruit. I smelled it earlier.

Cashier: I can't smell a thing.

Owen: [very quiet] Fair enough. Cheers.

[door closing, bell chimes, footsteps]

Young Man: Hey hey, Chester's back.

Owen: Ugh, your six pound-thirty-seven didn't quite cover it. But here.

[bags rustling]

Other Young Man: Uh? We said the big bottles. Are we supposed to get smashed up on this?

Owen: Oh, well, I'll take them back then, shall I?

Other Young Man: [sputtering] Oh, alright. ***, give it here.

Owen: First tell me what the HSRC is.

Other Young Man: Go on, tell him.

Young Man: No.

Owen: Tell me first.

[door slams open]

Cashier: Oi! I bloody knew it!

Other Young Man: Shit, leg it!

Young Man: Later, Chester!

Owen: Right. That, wasn't what it looked like.

Cashier: Yeah, right.

Owen: Well, it's been lovely talking to you, I'll *** - 

Cashier: [grabbing Owen, growling] You're not going anywhere, son. I've had enough of this shit. I've just called the police, they'll be here any minute.

Owen: Ugh, wish you hadn't said that. [hits the cashier] Sorry, mate. I really can't be dealing with the police right now. [grunting with effort] Why don't you. Take a little rest. In this nice - comfy - bush! [throws the man into said bush]

Ianto: [in the distance] Owen?

Owen: Over here!

Ianto: Ah, there you are! Ah, got your pot noodle then. You alright? You look a bit - twitchy - 

Owen: I'm fine. I was just thinking - Maybe, we should call it a day. Call Jack, tell him it's useless. This is bigger than a two-man job.

Ianto: [with something in his mouth] Not like you to quit. Moan, yeah. I've never seen you quit.

Owen: Yes, I'm not quitting, I'm regrouping. This isn't my bag. We need to blend in, ask questions. But no one's gonna talk to me, 'cause I'm practically a foreigner! This is Gwen's thing! Why isn't she here instead of me?

Ianto: Don't know. What's Gwen's thing?

Owen: People. They tend not to warm to me. Oh, God. That smells incredible.

Ianto: Want some?

Owen: [sucks in a breath] Sodding ***. [rustling paper, Owen talks with his mouth full] ***.

Ianto: [eating] What'd they tell you? Oh look. *** is open! How about a pint? Start fresh tomorrow.

[moody violin music, police sirens growing louder]

Owen: Oh, I don't know. Actually, yeah. Why not?

[inside a pub, sounds of billiards, mumbling, chair moving]

Owen: [slightly impressed] Two-fifty a pint. Undercharged me.

Ianto: And no lipstick on the glasses. Fancy. 

Owen: ***.

Ianto: Glad you're enjoying yourself.

Owen: I never said that.

Ianto: Give it an hour. Hm.

Owen: [quietly] You know your way around here.

Ianto: I do.

Owen: You're a weirdo. You've lived and worked in major cities, everything on your doorstep. Don't you find this place a bit - I don't know, limiting?

Ianto: In some ways, I suppose. But as a kid it was something I looked forward to all week. I never wanted to leave. I liked the sense of community. Didn't really get that in a big town.

Owen: Jumbo sales (?) and fights. All that shit.

Ianto: Exactly, all that - stuff. And the escape. The countryside.

Owen: Why didn't you move here?

Ianto: For a while after Nan died, I'd still catch the bus at weekends. Could never bring myself to get off, though. Just ride it all the way to B***, and ride it all the way back. *** don't hear from me anymore.

Owen: At least you still had your folks, yeah?

Ianto: They tried. They tried hard. And mostly they were great. With dad being so - I think I was just spoiled with an awesome nana. Hm. She could dull any pain with a word. She lost two brothers in the war and my grandpa in a mining accident, but I never once saw her sad.

Owen: [quietly] She loved you.

Ianto: What?

Owen: You're lucky. That's all.

[women laughing and talking, I can't tell them apart]

Young Woman: Where you from then, boys? Haven't seen you two here, before.

Ianto: Actually, since you asked, we are geocaching - 

Owen: We're location-hunting for the new Spielberg movie.

Ianto: [quietly] What?

Young Woman: Ooh, sounds exciting. What's it about, then?

Owen: Uh aliens. It's basically Close Encounters meets Freddy Got Fingered.

Young Woman: Anyone famous in it?

Owen: Yeah, can't really talk about it, sorry.

Young Woman: Aww, you can tell us.

Ianto: It's very hush-hush.

Young Woman: Oh, go on. 

Owen: I tell you what. Take a seat, and if you can help us out with something, we'll give you a couple of hints.

Young Woman: Okay. But we can't sit here too long because my boyfriend playin' pool in the guest ***.

Other Young Woman: He's the big one.

Ianto: They're all big.

Other Young Woman: I haven't got a boyfriend.

Ianto: I have. He's big too.

Other Young Woman: [laughs] You're funny. I'm Karys, with a K. 

Ianto: Hi, Karys with a K.

Owen: And you are?

Young Woman: Jemma. With a J.

Owen: So, we were wondering - Where's a good place to go if you're looking for a sneaky shag?

Jemma: Whoa, that's a bit forward!

Ianto: I agree.

Karys: You deaf? She said she got a boyfriend.

Ianto: A big one, and he's 30 feet away.

Owen: That's not what I meant, I'm talking about the HSRC.

Jemma: Cheeky prick! [hits Owen] Just 'cause you're in the movies doesn't mean I'm gonna shag you on the spot.

Owen: No, you idiot, that's not - 

Karys: What'd you call her?

Owen: [sputtering] No, I'm just trying -

Karys: Ryan? You better get over here, this bastard is trying to take Jemma up the RC! 

Owen: I'm wot?

Ryan: Oh, is he?

Ianto: [quietly] Uch.

Ryan: Who's first then, boys?

Owen: Right, look, mate, I know the steroids make thinking a bit painful, so I'll talk nice and slow so you understand -

Ryan: What'd you fucking say.

[chair moving]

Ianto: [harder accent] Ryan, isn't it? I'm Ianto! I think there's been an awful misunderstandin'.

[door opening]

Cashier: [in the distance] That's him! He bloody fuckin' attacked me, and left me in a bush!

Ianto: What.

Owen: I've never seen that man before in my life.

Ryan: You two are dead.

Ianto: [gulps] Look, there is a very simple explanation for all this.

Ryan: Yeah? Like wha'?

Ianto: Ah... [sighs, hits Ryan]

[one of the women scoffs]

Owen: Nice one, Ianto! But you might want to step into it a bit more, he's -

[either Owen or Ianto gets hit, cries out]

Ryan: Come on, you twat!

Karys or Jemma: Smash him, Ry! Smash him!

[everyone devolves into fighting, fades out]

[fades in, everyone is carousing and laughing]

Owen: *** piggyback's over *** [sounds happy and drunk, whatever he's saying]

Karys or Jemma: *** [also happy]

Ryan: You too, Ianto. Down you get, bud.

Ianto: Aw, thanks Ryan. Much appreciated.

Ryan: Hey, hey. Sorry about your arm, I, I didn't realize you two were, you know, in the films, like.

Ianto: Well, I'm sorry about your nose.

Ryan: Aw, no problems, bud. I, I think you straightened it.


Ryan: You boys, you got my number, now.

Owen: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. We'll talk to Steven in the morning and ask if he needs anyone who's [aggressive Welsh accent] "good at nunchucks and can bench-press 90 kilos"!

Ryan: Right stuff. Goodnight, boys!


Karys or Jemma: [fading into the distance] Oh, I'm gonna chuck.

Karys or Jemma: Want me to hold your hair?

Ianto: [yawns] Ah, well. That was fun!

Owen: Classy birds. How's the ankle?

Ianto: [grunts] Agony.

Owen: Oh, oh, alright, alright. Put, put your arm around me.

Ianto: [gasps] Thanks. I knew I made the right choice when I picked you.

Owen: Huh.

Ianto: Jack suggested Tosh or Gwen, but I knew. I knew we'd be a good team. 

Owen: So you're saying, I, I'm in the shithole because of you.

Ianto: *** and you didn't like me! Gotta be a good opportunity for us to bond.

Owen: [sighs] I wish you hadn't told me that.

Ianto: Why?

Owen: Because now I really do hate ya!

[laughing, eerie violin music]

FIN de la partie 1/To be continued...

Ecrit par chrismaz66 
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Le jeu du Survivor
Hier à 13:28

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Jack et Ianto


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Calendrier du mois!

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Oui Big Finish va plus vite que la musique et vous propose en pré-commande l'épisode audio du mois...

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Logo Tosh, merci Choup, qui colle au sondage inter-séries que je vous propose! Après avoir cherché...


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Hello, cette fois, on s'occupe de Tosh, la geek/nerd de l'Institut. Il lui faut de la compagnie. Voici donc quelques suggestions, laquelle a votre faveur? Merci Sanct pour l'idée!

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Aloha81, Avant-hier à 12:38

Sachez que vous pouvez toujours voter au sondage ! Bon week-end à tous !

Locksley, Avant-hier à 14:44

Beaucoup de news paraissent chaque jour sur les séries TV, n'hésitez pas à nous aider à publier ces nombreuses actus !

Locksley, Avant-hier à 14:45

Merci d'avance pour votre aide et excellent week-end !

ShanInXYZ, Avant-hier à 18:59

Nouveau mois sur le quartier Doctor Who : Calendriers, PDM et songage spécial Guests d'autres séries, le jeu Doctor Who ? Passez voir le Docteur

Luna25, Hier à 19:30

Nouveau mois sur les quartiers Legends of tomorrow, Reign et Supernatural : calendriers, PDM, duel. N'hésitez pas à passer.

Viens chatter !